The Bone Cancer Ball 2023

12th September 2023​

Once again Stockley and Turner are proud to be sponsoring the Bone Cancer Ball! Last year’s event was an incredible representation of all the hard work and contributions made to and from the Bone Cancer Research Trust. Attending the ball alone meant so much to us. It showed how much of a difference business’ like ours really can make.

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Miles’ Story

In 2021, Laura’s nephew Miles was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. Despite the devastation and disruption this caused to the family, Miles remained resilient, and his demeanor radiated positivity and bravery throughout. Despite all efforts and support from the BCRT, Miles sadly lost his life to the disease on New Year’s Eve in 2022. During Miles’ journey, Laura and her family were exposed to the Bone Cancer Research Trust. They experienced first-hand the valuable services this charity provide.

Our Partnership

Joining forces with the BCRT has been an incredible decision. We enjoy working with the fabulous people who make the charity such a welcoming and friendly space for all patients and families. Having been on the receiving end of the charity, Laura and Stockley and Turner feel this charity deserves all the support and funding achievable.

The bone cancer ball is just one-way companies can get involved in a charitable cause. It is a great way to meet other like-minded business owners. To find out more about the Bone Cancer Research Trust visit their website:

Alexandra Cayzer

Content Creator, Stockley + Turner