Responsible Business

10th October 2022

​We’re really happy to announce we’re now members of the Organisation for Responsible Businesses.

The foundations for Stockley and Turner were defined around being responsible, sustainable, putting purpose behind what we do, thinking morally, consciously. Being accepted as a member for the Organisation of Responsible Businesses not only confirms we’ve started in the right way, but also provides additional support and guidance as we grow and evolve.


Thinking Digital Environment

As a digital marketing agency there are a number of environmental benefits to the activities we run for our customers. Sending an email is more environmentally friendly compared to a printed brochure, right? However, sending business emails, running an ecommerce business, and encouraging digital conversions are not without an impact on the climate. Did you know the average email produces around 4g of CO2. So if you’re lucky enough to have a mailing list of 50,000 contacts, a single send to each of them will generate around 200kg of CO2 emissions. Being aware of the possible impact of our activities allows us to take steps to reduce or remove that impact.

Social Responsibility

Just a couple of months into setting up, we decided to pick a charity of the year. This year we’re proud to be supporting the Bone Cancer Research Trust, where we are a sponsor for their Bone Cancer Ball, being held later this year.

Environmental Responsibility

As a business our operations require limited resources. We do however have a good understanding of our footprint. Where possible we take action to reduce our own and our customers impact. By the end of this year we are aiming to be climate positive.

On a personal level we live our lives as sustainably as possible. Laura has committed to the Flight Free UK pledge, and to not fly in 2022, this is the third consecutive year of making this commitment. Martin eats a meat free diet, drink oat milk, and buys responsibly sourced and responsibly packaged food products. Martin is a member of the Wildlife Trust and Greenpeace, and we regularly support WWF campaigns.

Further reading

You can visit our Organisation of Responsible Business profile or read more about the work of ORB and it’s members here.

*Email carbon footprint from